Leading Questions: Jay Thomas

Interview and photo by Steve Korn
Someone once told me…hold your horn up when you play. Hmmmm I’m not sure if it matters unless you’re in a big band.
When I was 14 I decided I wanted to be a musician.
The trumpet is beautiful but unforgiving…if I pick it up to play it demands my full attention…if I don’t want to commit then it would be best to leave it alone.
If I could do it all over again, I would have to go back in time.
Practice makes me feel positive about life.
When I look at where I’m at right now, I’m not sure where I’m at or if I’m headed anywhere…
The piece of music that taught me a lot when I was young was Lover Man…Thorlackson used to play it for me on piano and we had fun playing…it’s an easy tune and fun to play.
Some of my best ideas come to me when I’m driving or falling asleep.
My parents were the best for ME!
Fear is OK also… sometimes…nobody goes around being afraid ALL the time.
Motivation is a result of a strong cup of coffee in the morning.
As I get older, I’ve realized that much of my life is about taking the path of least resistance….isn’t that Dharma?
The thing about jazz I like other than the music itself is the history as told in stories…there is everything for me…Freddie, Rams, Thorlackson…all great story tellers.
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